Hamann Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, Emory University
Check here for information about lab research, members, and more....
The lab investigates memory and emotion using cognitive neuroscience methods including cognitive task analysis, functional MRI, neuropsychological patient studies, eyetracking, and psychophysiology.
New lab publications on autobiographical memory and fMRI, electrical stimulation of the amygdala to enhance episodic memory, and effects of amygdala stimulation on emotional responses.
Lab featured on Jordan Klepper television program
Lab brain art featured in Psychology Building
The Emory Quadrangle magazine did a story on the brain imaging art the lab created on the occasion of the inception of the new Psychology Building. Click the picture for the PDF of the article.
Lab Location: Room 330, PAIS Bldg, 36 Eagle Row, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322